AI for Business development
About Course
Kooraskan waxaad ku baranaysaa qaababka aad u isticmaali karto Artificial Intelligence si aad u horumariso ganacsigaaga, waxaan kaga hadli doonaa waxyaabo badan oo kusaabsan xidhiidhka ka dhaxeeya AI iyo Ganacsigaaga.
Course Content
Part I
Introduction to the course
00:44 -
What is an AI?
01:42 -
What is generative AI
01:41 -
AI Prompting
Part II
Part III
Part IV
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Student Ratings & Reviews
Very good
Wax badan ayaa ka faa'day course kan iyo sida loo isticmaalo Bard AI,
Waxaan u mahad celinayaa ustaadkeenka qaaliga sida wanaagsan oo wakhtigiisa iyo aqoontiisana wax inoogu siiyay.
Waxaan u mahad celinayaa ustaadkeenka qaaliga sida wanaagsan oo wakhtigiisa iyo aqoontiisana wax inoogu siiyay.
thank you
Course aad u fiican buu ahaa runtii waxbadan oo G A I laxariira ayan ka bartay waa mahadsantahay ustaad
Ustad aadbaad u mahadsantahay runtii waxaan kaa faaidnay wax yaabo badan oo ku saabsan Generative AI Coursekaan waa mid muhiim ah runtii
Thanks 100% Teacher Caseer go forward your Teaching.
I get this course many Points
1) I learnt how to classify Chat GPT and Bard Ai
2) I understood Importance Of Bard AI.
3) also Understood Prompting to the Bard AI
4) Important of Artificail Intelegence
5) Sending sales Emails and Follow up emails With Politely
5) business content creation and product content creation.
6) how to write or writing a professional proposal for digital marketing projects
And Money things I can't concise here.
Much obliged to you Teacher caseer
At last I would like to get a certificate about this course reply me Teacher if it's Possible.
My Name:Abdihkin Ibrahim Wehlie
Master Of Business Administration MBA.
I get this course many Points
1) I learnt how to classify Chat GPT and Bard Ai
2) I understood Importance Of Bard AI.
3) also Understood Prompting to the Bard AI
4) Important of Artificail Intelegence
5) Sending sales Emails and Follow up emails With Politely
5) business content creation and product content creation.
6) how to write or writing a professional proposal for digital marketing projects
And Money things I can't concise here.
Much obliged to you Teacher caseer
At last I would like to get a certificate about this course reply me Teacher if it's Possible.
My Name:Abdihkin Ibrahim Wehlie
Master Of Business Administration MBA.
Magaceyga waa cabdirashiid Jaamac Xuseen waxa aan jogaa magaalada muqdisho course aad buu u wanaagsanaa lakiin waxaa ila wanaagsaneed in aad shahaado ku bixisid oo aad u yeeshid meel shahaado laga dalbado aad iyo aad ayaad umahadsantahay saaxiib waqtiga aad gilisay coursadaan